Faith Baptist Church
Practicing Spiritual Growth
Helpful resources for bible reading plans, family devotionals, and personal devotionals.
Bible Study Tools
Beyond just reading God’s Word each day, it is important to diligently study, take notes, and saturate in it. Be sure to read entire chapters for the full context (meaning) behind the verses you are studying.
Day-to-Day Study:
Print this Bible Study Note Page to help in your study.
Quick Bible Survey/Chapter Summary Sheet:
Print this Chapter Title Sheet (Fill in your own Chapter Titles)
Bible Study Tips:
Be consistent: Keep at it!
Take Notes: Write down questions you may have.
Key words/Phrases: Write these down too.
Ask Pastor: Questions? Ask Pastor Eric or Pastor Dan.
Read Entire Sections, not just a verse or two. When getting to context (meaning), it is important to read the entire section of Scripture. Reading the entire book of study is always the best plan.